Friday, August 31, 2007

sheer | Machiavellian | soar

My eyes focused off his sudden Machiavellian smile and onto a growing reflection on the window behind him. With his snide, British accent came the last words I heard, "You never con a con-man," as the figure in the reflection slipped a sheer bag around my head and knocked me out.

"Wakey wakey. It's time to soar." I opened my eyes in time to see the ground rushing towards me.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

veer | desecrate | resignation

"Ooh doggie!" he cried out as he stomped the gas. I braced myself with my right hand on the ceiling and my left on the center console. Then it hit me.

"You mean, Yee-Haaaw!"
"We were about to pay tribute to the greatest show..."
" history, and you desecrate it with another's catch-phrase!?"

He slammed his brakes and veered off course, sliding to a stop next to the creek.

"I've shamed myself. Consider this my resignation from the Duke Boys Club."
"I'll need your card refunds."

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

decant | encomiastic | peddle

It was the most convincing encomiastic speech he had ever made. But was it good enough to convince God to decant this soul into Heaven? The Devil was tired of it's antics, enough so that he was almost ready to cover His ears to all the other people wanting to peddle their soul.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

topple | infinitesimal | apiary

A little girl;
Feeling grand to the world;
Came upon an apiary.

As the bees flew around;
She toppled to the ground;
Now feeling infinitesimal.

Monday, August 27, 2007

sluggish | crystallize | apprise

"John!?" Even though I knew yelling wouldn't be anymore effective, I started to panic from only being able to hear his sluggish breathing through our suits. As I got closer, I realized why. His face had started to crystallize like the object he was so excited to have discovered. While I knew we may be left behind, I had to apprise the shuttle of our situation.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

conversant | incredulity | placid

When I first arrived, I thought I was fully conversant in their behaviors. But once I settled down under a nearby tree, notebook in hand, their mood suddenly became placid. Where they were once playing with each other, they now slowly began to stop in their tracks and stare at me. Never has the incredulity in my own studies been so high. Two began to creep forward. I didn't want to become one of them like my predecessor.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

actuate | cerebral | palette

Even though I couldn't feel my feet, I just stood there. I was mesmerized by the evolving palette of red flowing over the stark white ground. Such a beautiful abstract coming from such a horrific, yet personally enjoyable, origin. My approach went from cerebral to emotional when they hung up on me. That's when I actuated the wood chipper and knocked her out.

Friday, August 24, 2007

torrid | circumspect | extradition

I was awakened by the close of the door and a note explaining her pending extradition. I rushed to the window to watch her cross the street below. Becoming circumspect of the torrid night we had, I followed only with my heart.